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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Who We Are and What We Do.

Sarah E: "For me it started in February. I had just had a life changing doctors appointment - not only was I pregnant, we were expecting twins. Having had Jordan 2 years earlier, I knew how pricey raising a baby could be, let alone two. Things were already tight, so I knew I would have to do things differently this time. So began my adventure into all things reusable, homemade, and, well, all around less expensive. I figured if my grandmother could raise 9 kids on a budget, I could do this on a much smaller scale."
Sarah A: "Both of my parents instilled in me at a young age respect for things made from scratch. My dad showed me through cooking and my mom through her baking and sewing skills. My mom especially instilled a sense of needing to be thrifty like with her couponing before couponing became popular. I guess in a way my contributions to this blog can be seen as a tribute to my parents and the lessons they taught me about what is important in life, FAMILY, even through their seperation and divorce. This way of living frugally and making things from scratch will allow me to spend more time with my family."

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